Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spindletop, Orange, Texas

San Antonio to New Orleans - nine hours in the car. Didn't get a chance to take a picture of the Louisiana sign because it was too rainy and no place to pull off.  This is the hellish part of road trips, but Bill drove the entire way without complaint. We ate at Spindletop in Orange, Texas. I had grilled catfish on a bed of rice with a baked potato. The waitress asked if I wanted sweet tea - I said no - and she brought it anyway. Yuck!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fort Stockton, Texas

  1. Went to Historic Fort Stockton
  2. Took a picture of Paisano Pete
  3. Almost ran out of gas in Kerrville, TX
  4. Spent an hour at Riverwalk Super 8 in San Antonio trying to find our reservation
  5. Got lost trying to find Target
  6. Ordered Calzone and Greek salad in the hotel for dinner

Sunday, June 27, 2010

University of Arizona

We went through three states today. Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Boy, is El Paso ugly and Juarez, Mexico looks so green and lush in the distance across the 10 East and the Rio Grande. We rode our bikes to and through the University of Arizona this morning. Tomorrow Paisano Pete!

New Mexico and Texas

Go Wildcats!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Well, we ate at El Charro's in Tucson, AZ. And even though they dry the meat on the roof of the restaurant we were disappointed with this visit. The food and the service left us wanting. Bill has just gone to bed and I've completed day 1 of the Summer 2010 travel journal - yeah!

El Charro, Tucson, AZ

Arizona State Line

On the road again. Bill's driving but I've convinced him to stop on the side of the road to take a picture of the state signs. Welcome to Arizona!